All Business+ users have unlimited access to our Chat GPT functions. You don’t need an Open AI key, the tokens are included in your subscription.
Free accounts have 5 credits per month.
To use the AI function you need to do the following.
Step 1
In the settings tab click the Enable AI button.
Step 2
Call the GPTAI function like this, where A4 is the cell where I want to insert data from. In the example below we called the function to create tweets about a few personalities with included hashtags.
=GPTAI(“write a tweet about “&A4&“, include hashtags”)
Here you can find the GPTAI functions for FileDrop.
Save values
To save the results of the function use one of these buttons.
Save All Values – will save the values of all functions from the entire sheet.
Save Selected Values – will save the values of the selected cell.
*This is a Beta feature and we will add more functions to it in the coming weeks.