Bulk Upload – Insert Options

If you want to add many files to your Google Sheets the best way is to upload your files in a Google Drive folder and use one of the options below.

a. Use the Drive tab and the Insert All button: https://getfiledrop.com/help/getting-started/list-all-files-in-a-google-drive-folder/.

b1. The Drive tab with select and insert: https://getfiledrop.com/help/getting-started/select-and-insert-multiple-files-in-your-google-sheet/.

b2. Insert files in alphabetical order: https://getfiledrop.com/help/getting-started/insert-multiple-files-alphabetically/

c. List files with the Folder Tools Sidebar Share tool: https://getfiledrop.com/help/features/list-files-in-bulk-from-google-drive-folder/

d. To list images, please use the Image Kit sidebar: https://getfiledrop.com/help/features/image-kit/.

To use these tools, you must have a premium plan.

Don’t forget to set the permissions before adding the files if you are sharing them with others.