
How to Make a Handy Dictionary Template in Google Sheets

How to Make a Handy Dictionary Template in Google Sheets

Do you love organizing words and their meanings? You may be learning a new language or just want to keep track of interesting terms. Either way, having a personal dictionary can be really useful! Google Sheets provides a perfect platform to build a customizable dictionary template.

Why Should You Have a Personal Dictionary?

A personal dictionary is like having your language toolkit, giving you quick access to words and phrases that suit your learning style or communication needs.

Whether you’re learning a new language, exploring a specialized subject, or expanding your vocabulary, it helps you grasp the meaning and context of important terms. It’s a resource that grows with you, offering definitions, examples, and nuances personalized to your interests.

Step 1: Set Up Your Sheet

First, open Google Sheets and start a new blank spreadsheet. Once the new spreadsheet is open, you can name it with something like “My Personal Dictionary” for proper organization.

Set Up Your Sheet 2

In the top rows, you’ll want to label your columns so you can easily organize everything.

Some of the most commonly used categories are:

  • Word
  • Definition
  • Part of Speech
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Sample Sentence

These will be your main sections for the dictionary.

label your columns

Step 2: Add Words and Definitions

Now, it’s time to start filling in your dictionary. In the Word column (A), list out the words you want to define. Then, in the Definition column (B), write the meaning of each word next to it. Fill in the other columns as you enter new words and definitions.

Add Words and Definitions

Step 3: Sorting and Searching Words

Google Sheets has a handy sorting feature for quickly finding words. If you want to see your words in alphabetical order, just click on the column with “Word” at the top, then go to “Data” and select “Sort sheet by column A, A → Z.” For searching, use the search box in the top right corner.

Sorting and Searching Words

Step 4: Format Your Headers

To make your dictionary look organized and easy to read, you can format the headers. Click on the first row to highlight it, then choose a background color from the toolbar to set it apart. You can also make the text bold and increase the font size if you like.

Format Your Headers

Step 5: Freeze the Header Row

To keep your headers visible when you scroll down, freeze the top row. Click on “View” in the top menu, then go to “Freeze” and select “1 row.” This keeps your headers in place, making navigation easier as your dictionary grows.

Freeze the Header Row 1

Step 6: Create Dropdown Lists

In the “Part of Speech” column, it can be helpful to turn this into a dropdown list. Click the column where you want to put the list. Then go to “Data” on the top menu, select “Data validation,” and choose “Dropdown.”

Create Drop Down Lists

You can enter parts of speech, like nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc., as the options. Click “Done,” and now you can select the part of speech from a dropdown list when you add new words.

Step 7: Share Your Dictionary

If you want to share your dictionary with friends or need a physical copy, Google Sheets makes this easy. To share, click on the “Share” button and enter the email addresses of those you’d like to have access.

Share Your Dictionary

Get the Free Dictionary Template

Get a copy of the free Dictionary template. I’ve populated some cells as examples, but you can customize them as needed.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to creating tools for yourself, it’s all about finding what works best for you. I think the beauty of using Google Sheets is the flexibility it offers—you can shape your dictionary however you like. The more personalized it is, the more useful it becomes over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Automatically Add Definitions from the Web?

Google Sheets has a built-in GOOGLESEARCH function to find data online, but it’s limited to numbers and public data. For automatic word definitions, try using a Google Sheets add-on or an API like the Google Dictionary API, though this may require some basic coding knowledge.

Can I Create a Pop-up Tooltip for Each Word?

You can use Notes or Comments for a similar effect. Right-click on a word, and choose Insert Note or Insert Comment. Type the definition or any other helpful information. When you hover over the word, the note or comment will appear.

Can I Translate Words Automatically in Google Sheets?

You can use the GOOGLETRANSLATE formula to translate words automatically. Type the formula like this: =GOOGLETRANSLATE(A2, “en”, “es”). This will translate the word in Cell A2 from English to Spanish. You can replace “es” with any language code you want.