
Insert images in google sheets cell

How to Insert Images in Google Sheets Cell The Easy Way

There are many reasons one would want to insert an image in a Google Sheets cell, maybe you need to add expense-tracking receipts, icon libraries, brand resources, and other inventory images.

Whether you’re a beginner or have been struggling with Google Sheets, this tutorial explores the different options for inserting images. We’ll also discuss the advantages and limitations of each method.

Add Images Using The Insert Menu in Google Sheets

For your first option, you can insert images from your computer into Google Sheets by using the Insert > Image menu in Google Sheets. Choose the Insert image over cells option and select the image you want to insert.

How to Put Images in Google Sheets Add Images Using The Insert Menu in Google Sheets

By using this approach, you can place the image wherever you want within the Google Sheet. The image may be readily resized in this manner by sliding the blue handles, and for improved accessibility, you can add an Alt text.

The ability to attach a Google Script to an image and have it run when someone clicks on it is another benefit of this strategy. For instance, you might add a button to the Google Sheet and give it a script that would immediately download the sheet to your computer as a PDF file.

The keyboard shortcut to insert images in Sheets we recommend is “ALT + /” on Win or “Option + / ” on Mac. Then type “i” which shows  the insert image as the first option and hit Enter/return.

Add Images Using The Image Function

To add an image to a cell, highlight the cell and click F2 to enter the formula mode. Next, enter the formula =IMAGE(url, [mode], [height], [width]) where URL is the public web address of that image.

This approach is a little more complicated, but it also provides an extra level of customization by allowing you to select the image’s internal cell size. Google Sheets, by default, will scale the image to fit inside the area of the selected cell but you can easily change the default settings by adding another parameter to the IMAGE function.


How to Put Images in Google Sheets Add Images Using The Image Function

It’s important to keep in mind that Google Sheets prohibits the use of Google Drive links with the Image feature. it should be noted that SVG-format images will not function with this method.

Add Image to Google Sheets Cell Using FileDrop

As compared to the first two methods provided above, this third method provides more opportunities for productivity and convenience. You can easily add images in Google Sheets cells by using an add-on called FileDrop. It is a free Google Sheets add-on that allows you to drag and drop files such as images into a spreadsheet cell with automatic linking and add them to Google Drive.

To do this, you just have to install the FileDrop Google Sheets add-on. Once installed, you can click on Extensions Menu and select to start FileDrop. On the FileDrop menu on the right side, you can either choose a file from your computer or directly drag and drop the image you need.

Then you can now drag and drop files in the spreadsheet cell. Files uploaded with FileDrop go straight to your Google Drive and are automatically added with the name in your spreadsheet cell. Then it’s linked to the file itself for easy access.

How to Put Images in Google Sheets Add Images Using FileDrop

Adding Images as Links In Sheets

The default setting in FileDrop is adding images as links.

How to Put Images in Google Sheets Add Images Using FileDrop 1

If you wish to upload bulk files and add images into your Sheet cells in a streamlined manner, this could be a better option. This approach is also very easy to use.

Adding Images to Cells In Sheets

The second option is to add images to Google Sheets Cells. We go to FileDrop->Settings and select the Image to cell option.

image to cell google sheets

After that we can add a new image and it will look like this.

image to cell google sheets example

Adding Images to Sheet Over Cells

The third option would be adding the image to Sheet that would go over the cells.

google sheets image over cells

The image over cell option allows to place the image anywhere you like in the spreadsheet.

How to Resize Images in Google Sheets

There are a few options to resize images in Google Sheets if the image is too small or too big.

If the image is in cell is to small you can resize it by resizing the sheet cell row and column and the image will resize acordingly.

If the image is overcells you can resize the image by clicking the image and with the mouse left click on one of the blue squares on the edge or corner of the image. You can make the image smaller or bigger.

With the image function =IMAGE(url, [mode], [height], [width]), use mode 4 and you can define the height and width. This way the image will be inserted in the size you want.

With FileDrop just go to the settings tab and select the size you want for your images. Now when you will add the images they all will have this size.

filedrop settings image cell size


Conclusion on How to Put Images in Google Sheets

Using the right tools and understanding the different methods can make attaching images in Google Sheets a breeze. If you want to know more about how to maximize your use of Google Sheets, check out FileDrop today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I drag and drop images in Google Sheets?

Yes, you can with FileDrop. The interface is easy to use and you can add up to 50 images at once (for business version).

Is it possible to insert images in Google Sheets?

Yes, as you can see above, we’ve outlined several methods to insert images in Google Sheets.

Can I insert multiple images in Google Sheets?

Yes, you can insert images in bulk in Google Sheets. It can be done either manually or using FileDrop.

How to copy paste images in Google Sheets?

Using the methods above you can easily insert images in Google Sheets cells.