
embed image in google sheets cells

How to Embed Images in Google Sheets Cells in Bulk

If you have used the IMAGE function to insert images in your Google Sheets and try to download the Google Sheet as a PDF or Excel XLSX file you will notice that the images are not there.

The IMAGE formula is like this:


This is happening because the images are previewed in the cell, they don’t actually exist as objects in the cell. Inserting the images via the menu Insert>Insert Image>Insert image in a cell works, but it’s time-consuming when you have many images.

With the new Embed Images in Cells feature of FileDrop you can insert images using the IMAGE function and replicate the Insert Image menu feature of Google Sheets.

With FileDrop you can insert thousands of images from your Google Drive in seconds using the IMAGE function as well. With this added feature we help all users who want to keep the images in the cells when they download the file Google Sheet as PDF or XLSX.

FileDrop is Google Sheets, Slides and Docs addon that can increase your productivity. You can install it and use it free from the Google WorkSpace Marketplace here.

How does the Embed Images feature work?

In your Google Sheet where you have the images inserted, just go to the FileDrop Settings tab or use the Image Kit sidebar. Here, press the Embed Images button and the process will start.

embed images in google sheets cells

embed images in google sheets cells 2

The Embed Image function will search for the IMAGE function in the Google Sheet cells and convert it to an embeded object.

Here is a demo video

Depending on the number of images in the Sheet it might take from a few minutes to 30 minutes or more.

If you have thousands of files, the process might time out and need to be restarted. The process will be restarted from where it left off.
A confirmation email will be sent when the process has finished.

This feature is free for all FileDrop users.


As you can see, the embed image process is very simple. We are working on improving the time it takes to convert the images, but it does the job very well.

If you haven’t installed FileDrop do so here and take a look at our quick training or the Master FileDrop course for all the ways FileDrop can increase your productivity.