Download Manager

The Download Manager is part of our Plus Tools sidebar. It’s a simple way to download files in bulk.

How it works?

Just add the download urls in the Column A, with the first row beeing Download URL of new blank Google Sheet and add the folder id where you want your files to be saved in the sidebar.

The files must be publicly available in order for the download to work. Click on the Download Files button and the process will start.

download files to drive

Downloads will work with files from websites with regular links and also with public Google Drive files or Dropbox. Other types will follow soon.

download results

The download files will be added to your Sheet with a status, name, file id and link to the file in your Drive folder.


Files up to 50mb in size.

Large number of files (over 200) might take a lot of time to download.

Make sure you have enough space on your Google Drive to save the files.