

How I’ve Created a Resume Analyzer in Google Sheets with AI and Bulk OCR

Today, I want to share with you a simple method I’ve created for managing and analyzing resumes or CVs efficiently. With the help of AI and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology integrated into Google Sheets, handling a large volume of resumes(or any data) can become surprisingly straightforward.

Let me walk you through the process of creating a powerful resume analyzer using these tools.

For this I am using our Google Sheets add-on FileDrop. FileDrop is a swiss knife for Google Sheets, helps with file management, translations, AI functions and much more.

Step 1: Bulk Text Extraction from PDFs and Images

The journey begins with extracting text from PDF files or images. Thanks to the new Bulk OCR* feature in FileDrop, I can now do this in a batch which significantly speeds up the initial data processing.

The OCR text extraction can be done one file at a time but this will take a longer time.

cv in drive

How I Use FileDrop for Text Extraction

  1. Accessing the Tool: I find the ‘Bulk OCR’ tool under ‘Tools’ menu in FileDrop.
  2. Preparing My Files: I place the resumes in a folder on my Google Drive and copy the folder ID.
  3. Configuring the Extraction: Next, I paste the folder ID into FileDrop. Here, I’m presented with several extraction options:
    • Extract to Google Sheets: This creates one Google Sheet with data from each file in separate cells.
    • Extract to Google Docs: Similar to Sheets, but in a Doc format.
    • Individual File Extraction: Each file gets extracted into its own Google Sheet or Doc.
    • Treat as Table Option: Useful for structured documents like invoices.

bulk ocr filedrop


Setting Language and Extraction Options

I can specify the language of the documents (I usually stick to English) and choose from different extraction formats according to my needs.

Step 2: Analyzing the Extracted Data

Once the text is extracted, the next phase is analyzing the resumes , and this is where the GPT AI* functions in FileDrop becomes invaluable.

Building the Resume Analyzer in Google Sheets

cv analyzer demo

  1. Starting the OCR Process: By clicking the OCR button in FileDrop, the text extraction process begins. I receive an email once the file is ready.
  2. Retrieving the Extracted Data: FileDrop will create a new file with the extracted data, I open the file to view the data.
  3. Transferring to Resumes Analyzer: I then copy this data into my resume analyzer sheet in Google Sheets.
  4. Organizing the Data: I adjust cell sizes and remove unneeded columns for clarity.

The resulted sheet will look something like this.

cv results

Utilizing GPT-AI for Insightful Analysis

In FileDrop we also have AI functions* that you can use to extract or analyze the data directly in your Google Sheet.


=GPT_EXTRACT(“extract name from “&B2&”, return the result without other text”)

This function can be used to extract data from a cell like emails, websites, names, phone numbers etc.

With GPTAI, I can:

  • Extract key details like names and phone numbers from the resumes.
  • Analyze each resume based on specific criteria that matter to me, such as skills or experience.

The results can look like this

cv analysis results

Step 3: Optimization and Result Compilation

After setting up the analyzer, sometimes I need to tweak the AI prompts for better precision or troubleshoot minor errors.

Fine-Tuning for Accuracy

  • I adjust the AI prompts for more accurate extraction of names and phone numbers.
  • I address any errors that pop up during the analysis process.

Saving and Reviewing the Analysis

  • With FileDrop, I save all values as text.
  • This allows me to view the analysis results directly, bypassing the formulas.

save results as text


If you want to use FileDrop to create your own resume analyzer tool here is the template I used.

Video Tutorial to create a Resumes Analyzer with AI and Bulk OCR

If you prefer video please view the tutorial below.


Integrating AI and OCR into Google Sheets has utterly transformed how I handle and analyze data. This approach not only saves a significant amount of time but also opens up countless possibilities for efficient data analysis and management.

I hope this guide helps you set up your own resumes analyzer. Keep an eye out for more tips on leveraging technology to streamline your workflows.

*these are paid functions in FileDrop, the bulk OCR function has a file by file alternative, also the AI functions are limited to 5 per month for the free version.